
Signature Crust
Viola's Pizza Company is proud to offer a delicious pizza that is made the way you would at home. The finest ingredients are sourced weekly and even locally when possible.
The foundation of a pizza is so important to the final product. Making dough is a 3-day process in Viola. We start with a Poolish on day 1, followed by making our signature dough on day 2. The dough is then left to rest for a minimum 24 hours before it is hand-stretched into your next meal!
the Covert Family
When Viola's Pizza Company began their pizza shop adventure over eight years ago, Brian & Sara were at what is often called "Mid-life Crisis" age. But really, it was just time to fulfill a dream! With two, teenage sons and two little girls it was time to make pizza. After much research, study and prayer, on September 7, 2017, the doors to Viola's Pizza Company officially opened. Now, the boys have grown into fine young men, two daughters-in-love were added and those two little girls no longer run around the shop giggling, they are working every time the open sign is turned around!

Our Town
Viola, Tennessee 37394
With a population around 100, Viola is one of the smallest incorporated towns in Tennessee! Viola does have an elected mayor and aldermen too. Many residents in Viola have lived in the area for generations. Viola also hosts several large events each year that include Tractor Pulls, Stars and Stripes Festival, and Homecoming. Halloween & Christmas are celebrated in town square and various other special events as well. The motto of Viola is, "For Generations to Come."